What I Hate about Politics

March 27, 2016

The idea that we have to remain true to our party of choice and attack everything that another party does or stands for. Statistically, it is not possible for one ideology to have all the answers. To get to the truth of something we have to be willing to listen to an opposing argument with an open mind and a willingness to learn something new. We have to be open to changing our viewpoint. We will never learn anything by digging our heels in and defending our party as if every new idea is a personal attack.

I am a Liberal because their ideology best lines up with my current view of the world. I am in support of Justin Trudeau because he exemplifies the type of leader I can respect.

That said, there are some things I think the Liberal party has gotten wrong. Insisting that all MP’s be pro-life for example. My personal feelings about the subject aside, your MP is supposed to represent his constituents, not the party policy. If his constituents are not pro-choice, than that MP needs to take their viewpoint to Ottawa. Liberal MP’s owe full representation and consideration to their Conservative and NDP constituents too.

I am waiting to see if this governments really has the balls to do the right thing with the Magnitsky bill. This is a no-brainer and I am waiting to hear one good argument against it. But it will take courage. Big stands against corruption and human rights violations do. Let’s see if they have the guts to get it right.

I am watching the bill asking for Medicare funding for autism early intervention. Another no brainer – (early intervention spending rather then life long governance dependence – you do the math). Those who support it rather than oppose it will tell me a lot about your ability to take short-term pain for long-term gain.

I am watching the types of attacks other parties are doing to each other. Are they personal or policy driven? Are they well thought out arguments or petty whining? This tells me a lot about how much of a real leader you are as opposed to just a big mouth drinking the party koolaid.

Oh and by the way, hold me accountable to my own standard. If I post something that is a personal attack (Trump excluded for obvious reasons), if I post something that isn’t factual or reactionary rather than researched. Call me on it. Please.

Let’s remain respectful of history, of science, of faith, of compromise and of each other. Let’s continue to celebrate to things that make this country great and respectfully debate the things we disagree on.

If you want me to leave my party of choice, give me a better argument then an elbow, a man wanting to spend an anniversary with his wife, opening up the Canadian Bill of Rights to all Canadians regardless of gender, religion, skin color…gosh, you would think that would already be written somewhere…like a constitution or something. (Sarcasm font) or any other petty nonsense.

Give me something of substance. Where has the party gone wrong with regards to its policies? How does the party fail to represent you and your well thought out, well researched ideas? Let’s talk about things that really matter, like the Right to Die bill or how we can eradicate homelessness. Let’s remember that we are all on the same side here. We all want to live peacefully, fulfilling lives with a better future for our children.